Code Compliant and Technology Advanced Web-Based Inspections
Find out why our customers enjoy the Building Reports Advantage and why "Compliance is Not a Choice.”
- Improved management of inspection data with detailed online reports.
- Direct access to critical information contained in inspection reports.
- Better risk management by having inspection information at your fingertips.
- Enhanced efficiency – Fire & Life Safety data in one place.
How it works:
- Our technicians scan and upload the information for each device to a secure web area from where you can view and print reports.
- You are in control - access reports from any location at any time for flexible management of multiple properties.
- Your documentation is retained for five years and easily accessible to you, which makes it easy to respond to requests for information.
- Our customers receive full, detailed inspection and maintenance reports. Enhanced web service includes online access to your inspection reports via your own login and password.
- The expanded reporting available online provides links to more information on product recalls and code requirements.